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Many thanks to Marc Fasol for allowing us to use some of his photos to illustrate this website.

Black Skimmer (Bec-en-ciseaux noir)

Black-legged Seriema (Cariama de Burmeister)

Blue-throated Macaw (Ara canindé)

Mitred Parakeet (Conure mitrée)

Sharp-tailed Grass Tyrant (Tyranneau à queue aigüe)

Toco Toucan (Toucan toco)

Red-fronted Macaw (Ara de Lafresnaye)

Red-fronted Macaw (Ara de Lafresnaye)

Masked Gnatcatcher (Gobemoucheron masqué)

Masked Gnatcatcher (Gobemoucheron masqué)

Greater Wagtail Tyrant (Calandrite bergeronnette)

Greater Wagtail Tyrant (Calandrite bergeronnette)

Blue-throated Macaw Reserve

Blue-throated Macaw Reserve

Blue-throated Macaw Reserve

Blue-throated Macaw Reserve

Brown-throated Sloth

Red-fronted Macaw Reserve

Red-fronted Macaw Reserve

Santa Cruz Jardin Botanico

Serrania de Siberia

Spot-backed Puffbird (Tamatia tamajac)

Red-fronted Macaw (Ara de Lafresnaye)

Southern Screamer (Kamichi à collier)

Greater Rhea (Nandou d'Amérique)

Bolivian Blackbird (Carouge de Bolivie)

Plush-crested Jay (Geai acahé)

Cock-tailed Tyrant (Moucherolle petit-coq)

Guira Cuckoo (Guira cantara)

Green-cheeked Parakeet (Perruche de Molina)

Cliff Parakeet (Perruche des falaises)

Caiman Yacare (Caïman yacare)

Campo Flicker (Pic champêtre)

Jabiru (Jabiru d'Amérique)


Refugio Los Volcanes

Military Macaw (Ara militaire)

Red-fronted Macaw (Ara de Lafresnaye)

Red-fronted Macaw (Ara de Lafresnaye)

Roseate Spoonbill (Spatule rosée)

Santa Cruz Airport

White-tipped Plantcutter (Rara du Paraguay)
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