PRICE : XXXX $US for 8 people (see the price grid in our Detailed Informations page).
Tour duration : 14 days.
Tour date : November 2018.
Group size : 4-8 people with a "Tour Leader".
Tour Leader : Vincent MOURET.
Arrival : Quito
Departure : Quito.
Lodging : Hotels and lodges of "comfort" category and "superior" category. Hot water and electricity are available 24 hours a day.
Pace : Moderate (a few walks in muddy and/or steep terrain, a few hours above 4000 m).
Possible extension : None.
Photography : Good opportunities.
Included : all transportation, lodging in double rooms with private bathroom , all meals except diners in Quito, multilingual tour leader, drinkable water.
Not included : International flight, travel insurance, visas, airport taxes, entrance fees for some sites, alcoholic beverages, tips, diners in Quito, "single" occupation (for the price, please refer to the Detailed Informations page).
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Antpittas & Hummingbirds
Ecuador, owing to a bewildering biodiversity (more than 1600 bird species observed to date on a territory half the size of France), the diversity of different ecosystems and the quality and reputation of infrastructures dedicated to the practice of ecotourism and birdwatching has long been one of the prime destination for the nature photographer willing to experience at least once in his lifetime a rain of iconic, colorful and interesting species.
This photographic trip has been designed to survey all the remarkable ecosystems of the north of the country with the red line taking pictures of two mythical families of the new world: the Trochilidae or Hummingbirds, true ultra photogenic flying jewels and the discrete Antpittas. From the ice-capped summits of Andean volcanoes to the ultra-humid moss-laden cloudforests of the Andean slopes, we will enjoy the magnificent attitudes offered by these two groups of birds.
Days 1-2. The trip will start in Quito, the capital city and former capital of the Inca empire. The city is located on the flanks of the Pichincha volcano, the western slope of which will constitute our first photographic step. We will as we climb to reach the Yanacocha reserve discover some magnificent landscapes of altitude temperate forests. A number of feeders along the reserve main trail host several hummingbird species, among which one of the most striking is the aptly named Sword-billed Hummingbird.
Days 3-4. We will start our descent on the western Andean slope and join the famous lodge of Bellavista. We will have ample opportunity to explorethe photographic possibilities given by the trails and feeders of the surrounding area. We will look for such iconic and gaudy birds as Plate-billed Mountain Toucan, Tanager Finch or Golden-headed Quetzal.
Day 5. Time will stop for a few hours on the world-famous property of Angel Paz, where you will have the chance of seeing as many as 5 Antpitta species, the fabulous display of the Andean Cock-of-the-rock on its lek, Toucan Barbets and Crimson-rumped Toucanet feeding on fruits followed by a copious and delicious breakfast.
Day 6. We will also visit two sites located in the foothills forests of the Western Cordillera: feeders of the Milpe reserve and Mirador de Los Bancos.
Days 7-8-9. Time will then come to start the second part of the trip, dedicated to the eastern slope of the Andes. We will start by exploring the harsh and tormented heights of the Papallacta pass, 4000m above sea level in search of the rare Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe before plunging into the depths of the temperate forest and dense clumps of bamboos of the Guango reserve. The dizzying abundance of hummingbirds visiting the feeders here is a spectacle to behold.
Days 10-11-12-13-14. Following will be our stay in the San Isidro lodge, famous for its yet to be described owl taxon, found nowhere else on earth, in the most breathtakingly beautiful of settings. We will also have the opportunity around the lodge to photograph many species of hummingbirds, Antpittas and all the specialties of the altitudinal stage.